life as i know it

"...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -Sylvia Plath

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Bittersweet Beginnings

Sometimes I find myself stuck in what feels to be an impenetrable state of incompatibility. The available paths lead in opposite directions, and neither is without its shortcomings. The journey down either path will present me with both laughter and tears, though the nature of their origins will differ drastically. Oftentimes, I have found myself overcome with anxiety during these times, the incessant worry further building the impenetrability of that moment. Though lately I have come to an awareness that it is all only a facet of the ever-growing circle of life.
Each path will have its soaring highs and disturbing lows. Without the bad, we can never know the power or magnitude of the good. Though opposites, the yin and yang journey together across either path, creating an ultimate balance of harmony and growth.
And so I know that the disturbing lows I have encountered are merely a milestone of the journey. These stepping stones are integral; without them, it would not be possible to soar.
I have a choice now, one that has been building for months, a choice between two paths, each which may lead me on a complex journey of laughter and tears. However, one path requires more courage, more strength, more risk, and more faith. And that is the choice I choose now to take. That is the path that offers more opportunities to soar and less possibilities of despair. It is a journey of continuation, a journey of growing, a journey of learning and finding the balance of harmony. But it is also a journey that began years ago, a journey that has reached a plateau, and yet a journey that I believe can reach those soaring heights. A journey that must now begin anew. The pains can not be forgotten or the disappointments erased, but these stepping stones can provide the foundation for a better tomorrow. The yin and the yang may journey together, but they must each be aware that one cannot, and should not, exist without the other.


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