life as i know it

"...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -Sylvia Plath

Monday, February 27, 2006


How quickly the days are passing! Between house hunting and working my new waitressing job, I feel as though I’ve barely seen daylight in the past week. And my beloved laptop is certainly feeling quite abandoned these days. I have emails to return (my apologies…I have not forgotten you), homework to be done, clothes to be laundered, an apartment to be cleaned, etc, etc, etc. And all the while, my body is screaming for me to sleep. Between sinus problems and the adjustment of running around a restaurant for eight hours straight, my body is suffering from extreme confusion at the moment, and begging for nothing more than sleep. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), there is much to be done. I realize this email sounds like I am quite overwhelmed at the moment, and so let me clarify. I am indeed a bit overwhelmed, but I am good. Perhaps the busyness of my days is preventing me from focusing on the pain I spoke of last week. Perhaps that is just what I need right now. In any case, that is my life right now. And I am okay with that.

I hope you all had wonderful weekends. I am looking forward to getting some time later this week to catch up with this beautiful world of blogging. Love to you all!!


At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure you take care of yourself...even if there is much to be done. If the body needs a power nap give it won. Much love back to you. Be well.

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Jessie said...

wow! house hunting AND a new job! sounds like there's a lot of change in your life! i wish you lots of luck with both. :) get some sleep though--please don't wear yourself out.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger liz elayne lamoreux said...

I hope that you take care of yourself my dear. Sounds like lots is going on...but good that you feel you are good in the midst of it all. Be well...

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Annie Z said...

Hi Tara! I'm glad you are feeling good in your "busyness". Having just a turned a corner in my own craziness, I can say how great it feels when the newness settles in and you begin to feel good in your new routine. The "busyness" doesn't go! But, being settled in that state is so good! (mind you, my house hasn't been cleaned for a little while either! And my Mum took my ironing home to do for me last night!!! :):):) )
I hope you find your new home soon!
Take care of you,

At 5:15 AM, Blogger Somnambulist Seeker said...

I, too just went through a week of sinus infection & unusual stress. It *is* very confusing to your body (& spirit!).

It took me until this morning to "unpause" my mental state & feel like I was back in business again.

Make yourself get that extra sleep! :-)

At 4:08 AM, Blogger meghan said...

take care of yourself too - you want to be able to enjoy yourself - don't worry about us - get the sleep you need!! sending love!

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

I loved being busy and productive when I was in the hustle and bustle of life. Remember to find time to rest and play :)

I'm glad your happy!


At 5:12 PM, Blogger TJ said...

Just doing a drive by but wanted to say Hi. I know you are busy, I respect that.

At 6:46 PM, Blogger Frankie said...

I know! February flew by didn't it??? Suddenly everything seemed to speed up. Hope all is well dear Tara!!! xoxo


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