life as i know it

"...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -Sylvia Plath

Sunday, February 05, 2006

second tag

What were three things when you were little you wanted to be when you grew up?

a singer
an architect
a psychologist

You can live one day over again from your childhood. What day will it be?

my last day of play therapy at age 7…I painted a very bizarre picture entitled “my secret”…I would like to know what “my secret” was

You have two minutes (and a mover with you if you need heavy lifting help!) to grab 5 things from your home before it morphs into a polka dotted hobgoblin and hops away. What will you take? (Food/drink/family/friends excluded!)

my box of pictures
my journals
as many books as I can grab
the first cross-hatching picture Mark did of me
the miniature pearl necklace that my mama wore as a child (and her opal ring if I can grab that at the same time)

You have to paint one quote on your kitchen wall. Whats it going to be?

“Go out into the world today and help as many people as you can.” – my dad
-this is my daddy’s daily reminder to me and he is the perfect example of living life this way

What is one thing you want to have accomplished by the end of this year?

submitted some of my writings for publication…of course I would love to have something published, but just gaining the courage and energy to submit something (and knowledge of how to go about it) would be enough

You are moving to the moon for one year and can only bring one flower with you. What kind will you bring?

a cactus (the kind that blooms, though I don’t know what it’s called…someone help me here)

You just received word that aside from one flower, you can also bring five books with you too!
Your choices?

The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
100 Love Sonnets by Pablo Naruda
If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him by Sheldon Kopp
a blank book to write in (I’m stealing that great idea from you, Megg)
the diaries of Anais Nin or Virgina Wolff (I have yet to read these, and don’t even know the official names of the books, but am eager to immerse myself in the writings of these brilliant women)

I know some of you don’t like to do these tags, so if I tag you and you’re not up for it, then please don’t feel obligated. However, I personally love these things as I feel that they teach us so much about the nuances of each other.



At 9:56 PM, Blogger liz elayne lamoreux said...

this is a wondrous list. thank you for sharing these little pieces of you. beautiful.

At 11:42 PM, Blogger Sky said...

Thanks for sharing. I am not into any more tags at the moment! I will, however, be happy to tell you the answers to all these when we speak next! x0x0x

At 7:40 AM, Blogger HoBess said...

I wanted to say "Hello" as I've been enjoying your blog for several weeks now. I'm especially intrigued by the idea of bringing a cactus to the moon (especially because you're from the SouthEAST!)

The sight of blooming magnolias on I-55 through Mississippi is one of those secret photographs I use when I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

But a cactus is uniquelly beautiful and yet practical ... I thought I read once you can use the juice to stay hydrated or something.

At 7:43 AM, Blogger Jessie said...

the cactus: is it a christmas cactus that you're thinking of? they get long and drapey with brilliant colored flowers?

and thanks for the tag. i'm of the people that rather enjoy it also. :) have a great day Tara!

i love the quote you'd paint on your kitchen wall. i especially think it's sweet that it is a quote from you dad.

At 8:02 AM, Blogger meghan said...

Hi there!!

You've inspired me to pick up my volumes of writers' journals! I love how many books I'm adding to my list as I get to know people through their blogs! I'm so so so glad to have met you, you're an inspiration in so many ways!

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

I love doing a tag that is reveling and I'm going through family crap right now so since I need a brake, It will be fun! I wish you lived closer!!!

I don't remember names of books I loved reading, I'll think of something :)

You can sing too! Awsome
Submit, Submit, Submit!!!!!!

Love your friend,

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Laini Taylor said...

Hi Tara Dawn! I just read your "tagged" list and it brought to my mind again how many of the women whose blogs I've been reading share your same goal of submitting writing and getting published this year. I just want to wish you luck and much motivation with that -- I'll buy everybody's books once they come out!

At 2:25 AM, Blogger Alex S said...

Hi Tara,
Thank you for answering all the questions. It is such a treat to read them and you are right- there are these nuances that we pick up by reading one another's responses. I was thinking again today about the balance of finding time to write vs. work, and esp the toll clients take on my energy level by the end of the day, and how that too affects my desire to write at all. *sigh* Swirly at has an interesting post tonight about the struggle to strike this balance- you might like it too- and now, like Megg, I have some more books to add to my reading list- thank you!

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Dana said...

What a fantastic quote from your dad! I love him!

Great responses, how do I top those!


At 5:49 PM, Blogger daringtowrite said...

I like the depth and brevity of this tag and I really enjoyed your responses. I may even be tempted to tag myself for this one. ;))

At 12:06 AM, Blogger Roonie said...

Sometimes I think we really knew ourselves better when we were kids...and knew what we wanted to be when we "grew up."


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