life as i know it

"...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -Sylvia Plath

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

plans, wishes, & contemplations

It is Wednesday morning and I am feeling a bit groggy. A slight sore throat and the faint beginnings of a headache. But also a sense of gratitude that my pager has not yet made its beep, beep, beep sound, alerting me that I am needed at one of many emergency rooms for a psych assessment.

I finished my diagnostic practicum. AT LAST! Yesterday was my final day and I cannot begin to describe the relief that washed over me as I exited the building for the last time. The contract stating August 15, 2006 through August 15, 2007 has officially been completed. Marking the end of one chapter in my life and the beginning of another. Only three more weeks and I will return to the daily chaos of classes and a new practicum far up in the mountains. Excitement lingers beneath the surface, but with it is the realization that I need to rest and relax as much as possible in these next two weeks. I know the exhaustion that accompanies each September. I know the stress that builds steadily through the autumn months. Because of that knowledge, I also know that I need to nurture myself in these next few weeks. Somewhere between doctor appointments (it’s that time of year for my check-ups) and work, I will find the time to celebrate my birthday, escape for a weekend in the mountains, and make one last trip home before school begins.

In the spirit of nurturing my soul, here is a tentative list of things I would like to do/plan to do (or am contemplating doing) in the next three weeks.

1. a birthday dinner with friends and family at California Pizza Kitchen (I’m a sucker for their hummus and sun-dried tomato pasta dish)
2. a romantic weekend in the North Georgia mountains with the boyfriend…complete with the pups, a chalet, hiking, pottery shopping, and some of the most delectable Southern food you can imagine (a big thanks to my beloved aunt Sky for her contribution that has made this possible)
3. joining all the wives/fiancées/girlfriends to cheer on our men at the boyfriend’s softball championship tournament this Saturday…with 10-12 blondes in the stands, we’re hoping to distract the opposing teams…ha!
4. a date with my precious friend Robin…food, pool time, shopping, etc…any time spent with her guarantees good conversation and the best companionship
5. more birthday celebrations, including my best friend and the boyfriend’s mama
6. one more trip to the island before winter for ample family time, Bar-B-Qs, and playing on the beach

Wish List (what I would like to do):
1. go shopping at one of my favorite art supply stores
2. start a piece of art for my Sky (the one she has hanging is nearly 15 years old)
3. write more letters to my sweet far-away friends (sent via snail mail…my favorite)
4. read two more of Sabrina Ward Harrison’s books (sitting patiently on the bookshelf)
5. dig out my old jewelry supply box and make a few more fun necklaces
6. have a ping-pong or air hockey tournament with the boyfriend (dear God, we are addicted to both though neither is readily available)
7. start a new journal including more than just words
8. have a photography date with my dear friend Ginny
9. spend time with my best friend Dee and her adorable daughter (though this is merely wishing due to our conflicting schedules and the geographic distance)
10. go to church this Sunday (last week’s sermon was very inspiring and insightful)
11. ordering pictures of the boyfriend and I, as well as family and friends, and framing them to adorn the walls of our house

Things I am Contemplating:
1. getting my hair cut short (chin length or above)…long hair is easier in the summer but harder in the fall/winter months
2. cleaning out closets and gathering stuff to donate to Goodwill
3. starting a Yoga class
4. switching from glasses to contacts (though this will be determined following my eye exam, dependent on what is best for my worsening eyesight)
5. doing more research on my current dissertation topic (the contemplation being the timing of doing that now vs. later)

A busy few weeks ahead, it seems…but the definite possibility of pampering my soul and nurturing my spirit. Time to get started on my wish list…


At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE this post and the last one. These are YOU, td... I can hear your voice just talking and talking all these words. :) Love it, sweetheart.

At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked reading your lists :-) They feel optimistic and healthy. Best of luck to you with the coming semester and the responsibilities that come with it. We have begun our grad obligations as of this week - and like you, knowing the exhaustion that comes with the fall, I am also trying to nurture myself right now. Good luck to you with that as well.


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