life as i know it

"...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -Sylvia Plath

Thursday, June 01, 2006

reading out loud...not just for poetry

I loved this week's totally optional prompt to read poetry out loud. My love for this prompt can be traced back throughout many, many years of reading everything (not just poetry) out loud. My best friend used to tease me about reading to the birds and the bugs and the grass in the backyard. But it's not just the birds and the bugs and the grass. I read to the dogs, to the trees, to anyone who happens to be within listening distance. I read freely and openly and out loud. And I love the whole experience of it all.

There is something comforting and inspiring about hearing words of wisdom or tragedy or beauty roll off your own tongue, infusing every ounce of air around you with the pure emotions of the words. You feel the words differently as they resonate within your chest and then free themselves into the expanse of open air around you. You find beauty in the pure sound of the words, the syllables, the pronunciations, the inflection of the that is more than just the meaning of the word itself.

As the words form on my lips, as they vibrate in my throat, as they escape the inhabitance of my body and find release in a greater beauty I read out loud the words of poets and fiction writers and autobiographers and myself...I am empowered. I too become infused with the beauty of language, the beauty of words, and the world opens its windows a little wider, the wind blows a little stronger, and serenity washes away the doubts, the fears, the hesitations. With each word, I breathe in tranquility and beauty. With each word, I release vibrancy and passion and life.

And so I will continue reading out loud, not just poetry, but everything.


At 1:55 PM, Blogger meghan said...

Every SINGLE post of yours just oozes with sheer love of language. Whether you are sad or happy or silly or wise you are eloquent. Your enjoyment and use of words inspires me every day. Whatever else you do in your life, I hope that you will always write to me so that I have the pleasure of the poetry of your words!!

P.S. Please forgive me for my lack of emails - I've only just got it back properly today - so I will write very soon!!

At 6:54 AM, Blogger Colorsonmymind said...

I thought of you when I read the prompt.
I love that you love reading aloud, and that you have made me think about the beauty of it.

I read aloud more now than before.

At 11:57 AM, Blogger liz elayne lamoreux said...

this is beautiful. i love the way you twirl the words around my dear. i love reading aloud as well...and not just poetry. there is something about putting the vibration of the sound into the air around me.
thank you for sharing all of this!

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love to read out loud too..... always have. Remember in my post about my grandmother? I talked about how she let me read aloud to her for however long I wanted.... my voice talking in its most animated and impressive tones. I always loved hearing myself say the words, since the first day I read Hop on Pop out loud to myself... only to then RUN out of my room screaming "Who wants me to read Hop on Pop? I can do it! Who wants me to read to them?" in a sing-song voice. I was so excited about my new ability to read words off a page.... and everyone knew it. Whatever book I was reading, I was always convinced everyone around me needed to hear the great story.... so many times I would defend myself, "Oh, come on, it's SO GOOD, you're gonna miss out... let me just read you this paragraph, come on! PLEASE?" My mom would always let me, but my 3 brothers did not keep their frustrations quiet... they got tired of my incessant little voice. Unfortunately I learned quickly to censor the frequency of my voice... I was a very "good" little girl who was scared of facial expressions that said "We're tired of you... that's enough, you're getting on our nerves" so I slowly quit talking. It makes me sad... to realize how much of myself I've sacrificed over the years out of fear of the withdrawal of love and acceptance.

Ugh, I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to "talk" this long.... I'm digressing. Can you tell this post spoke to me? I can see it in my mind, my cute little self reading aloud to anyone who would listen... mostly myself.


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