life as i know it

"...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -Sylvia Plath

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Poetry Thursday - "Memory"


And you wait, await the one thing
that will infinitely increase your life;
the gigantic, the stupendous,
the awakening of stones,
depths turned round toward you.

The volumes in brown and gold
flicker dimly on the bookshelves;
and you think of lands traveled through,
of paintings, of the garments
of women found and lost.

And then all at once you know: that was it.
You rise, and there stands before you
the fear and prayer and shape
of a vanished year.

-Rainer Maria Rilke-

How often we live in the midst of memories. Enfolded in the moments of beauty that once graced our lives, entangled in the moments of chaos, reliving what has already been lived. We walk through our days, believing that we are living, believing that we are experiencing the richness of the sunset and the purity of the white wildflowers. Are we truly enjoying the fullness of the moment, or simply following the slice’s of life’s beauty down well-trodden paths?

How often we all awaken, only to realize that so many days, too many days, have passed. We choose to dwell in moments lost or to cast our hope upon the illusory promise of tomorrows. We wait, believing that what we want, or what we’ve had, is the illuminating experience that will define the true essence of our being.

How seldom we allow ourselves the luxury of THIS moment. May we all embrace the present and may we stop finding ourselves looking back, wondering where the time has gone. For the truth is…the time is NOW!


At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the writing of Rilke. Thanks for sharing this poem. And living in the present...that's the challenge isn't it? To be mindful of each moment. Be well.

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Somnambulist Seeker said...

Thanks for sharing this. This is precisely what that book I mentioned, The Power of Now has been hammering at me for the last few weeks. It's good to be reminded again. :-)

At 8:49 PM, Blogger GoGo said...

Very nice. I felt like I was reading a prayer.

I copied this as a reminder to be in the moment, and not the past. To remember we all get stuck an its nothing special. To just read it again because I need to remember

At 11:40 PM, Blogger Sky said...

Thanks for the Rilke selection and for your reminder to live in this day and in this moment in time. It is, afterall, the only moment we are sure of. We must absorb it, live it, in every way we can. I have begun each day recently with a walk through our gardens, noticing each new bud, each green hint of new life, every change that has occurred since my last walk. I hear the birdsong, see the squirrels play, watch the tulip bloom unfold further since yesterday's light. It is a wonderful way to begin the day. When he has morning time prior to work, my hubby joins me as i walk, and we share our own observations about this new morning. Lovely, lovely way to begin our day and to make time for this moment in our lives.

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

I needed this reminder today! Thanks my friend :)


At 1:38 PM, Blogger meghan said...

Beautiful! Well said. I needed that so much today - thank you my friend!! oxoxo

At 2:17 PM, Blogger Dana said...

I feel like I have become a lot better at this! I love the poem! I am reusing that!

Also, for some reason I was looking at that picture of us jumping into the pool today and it really got me thinking about just this very thing. We were so in the moment. Being crazy and spontaneous! I love that I share so many of these moments with you!

I love you more than words on a blog could ever tell you!


At 7:20 AM, Blogger Belle said...

Just found your blog. I appreciate the thoughts expressed about enjoying the moment. How hard this is to do in ordinary life.

I am a artist and have "my space" in my home. I am going to consider the creativity exchange.


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