Sunday Scribblings - What would you attempt...

What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?
I’d climb mountains,
on native soil, in foreign lands.
I’d write a book,
or five or twenty.
I’d adopt a house full,
of orphaned kids, of abandoned pets.
I’d paint a masterpiece,
all profits for charity.
I’d stand on a stage,
song bellowing from my soul.
I’d travel the world,
speaking a universal language of love.
I’d speak to my grandfather,
from a heart full of compassion.
I’d counsel death-row inmates,
believing in the hope of salvation.
I’d make a quilt,
each piece a symbol of my life.
I’d plant a garden,
of vibrant flowers, of succulent vegetables.
I’d learn to fly a plane,
strapping my mama in beside me.
I’d speak to adolescent girls,
of the beauty and strength of women.
I’d live alone for a month,
with Nature as my sole companion.
I’d say “I love you”
to those who deeply touch my soul.
I’d live every moment
as if it were my last.
**Picture from***
I am sure you CAN do some of these already without failing! :)
I second that. I know I want to fly a plane too.
I can see you doing all these things during your life at some point! And you know what? I don't see you failing at any of them! Check out my Demons of the imagination post for some tools to defet the monsters than keep us small.
I love this post.
I'm gonna have to sit down and do my own list...just to 'see'.
So inspiring! Thank you for reminding.
This is an amazing list!!!!! I can see you doing every single one of these things.
Those are each something you can accomplish without a thought. I love the ideas behind each and everyone. Glad to have met ya via this format!
Tara Dawn, so much on your lovely list IS attainable, and you're a young woman so brimming with positive energy I'm sure you will achieve so much in your life, and do so much for so many people! I'm so glad you posted in Sunday Scribblings!
It IS quite possible that you CAN do ALL of these things withOUT failing--I'm sure of it! Not to mention, you are a very generous woman.
btw, you make me want to sing, to BELLOW from the SOUL! And if you ever adopt a houseful of orphaned kids or animals, call me...I'll come help you take care of them! :)
This was great. I especially stopped at this one:
I’d counsel death-row inmates,
believing in the hope of salvation.
It made me wonder what part you thought you would fail it in reality, the counselling part, or the believing in the hope of salvation part.
Wow, that's beautiful. I see why Tammy says your writing is magical.
This is fabulous!! I adore the poem format, but I esp. love the second half of each sentence, where you elaborate (i.e. not just speaking to your grandfather, but also with compassion). My favorite was the one about talking to adolescent girls (SO IMPORTANT) ... oh, but I like the thought of living alone for a month, too.
I hope that you try to achieve each and every one of these things--and keep us posted!
I'm SO glad Sunday Scribblings brought me here!
You can do anything you want! This is a great list!
I love you!
That`s a lot of stuff!
Wow...and the world needs you to do so many of these things. Like Cate, I loved the rhythm of this...the "what" you want to do, and then the "why".
This was so incredibly inspirational. Thank you for sharing.
The depth of your generosity is awe inspiring. You've done an amazing job of thinking what you would do for yourself as well as for so many others. Look ... you're already making the exchange happening! Have a beautiful day.
You are a kindred spirit. Love your answers, every one!
this is awesome...
love how you wrote it
and what you wrote
Great choices!
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