life as i know it

"...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -Sylvia Plath

Saturday, January 27, 2007

a heavy heart

My heart feels heavy today. My stomach is in knots, holding too much anxiety and fears that are continuously cycling through my head. Though I have been trying to let go of the stress, to rest this body that carries too many obligations and expectations and burdens...though each day I vow to myself to let go a little more, I still find myself physically and emotionally exhausted today.

I have a long night ahead of me, a night for which I do not feel prepared. Some weekends, I feel refreshed and ready for a 12 hour shift, eager for the lengthy drives to emergency rooms, for the solitude of the journey and the possibility of helping lost and discouraged souls upon arrival. Today is not one of those days. Today I want to shed the pager and work clothes, toss on comfy oversized sweats, rent Oscar-nominated movies, and get lost in the warmth of puppy snuggles and naps.

I want to stop the worries that are running full strength through my head. I want to slow down and feel the tense muscles ease into a state of relaxation. I am tired of being haunted by my past, tired of too much time spent analyzing every small action, every thought, allowing every fear to multiply rather than disintegrate. I am worn down from the worries, the stress, that inner voice of criticism that has recently decided to speak up with words of "not enough". I am tired and aching and frustrated.

And there is an ever-present feeling of guilt that accompanies such emotions. Knowing that so many have worries and stresses far beyond the blessings of my own life. Knowing that I should be grateful, and I am grateful, and yet awareness of these blessings is not always enough.

Even this day, these emotions, these fears and anxieties...I am thankful for even these moments. It is all a part of the journey, the infinite path of "becoming". I know that these feelings are necessary for more personal growth to occur. I know that it is only through my own awareness and struggles...through my own pilgrimage...that I may be able to sit with my patients and truly help them to find their own paths of "becoming" and "being".

And yet this knowledge does not negate the feelings themselves. Awareness does not lessen the heavy heart. It only makes it easier to bear in the moment.


At 8:28 AM, Blogger Knowhere Man said...

I totally felt this post! Thank for sharing it; thank you for being so honest.

I am reminded how rare and special gratitude can be. Keeping it in our hearts requires constant vigilance. Close your eyes and remind yourself that you are a just a child of Life. It cradles you like a reassuring parent. It is important acknowledge this... that despite calling ourselves adults, we really are just kids, and our happiness is something sacred.

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugs, sweet girl.... wrapped all around.... wonderful, safe hugs


At 5:58 PM, Blogger BendingPeak said...

I hope that you were able to get through your weekend and still find some Tara time. I know how hard school can be and trying to manage a life around it can sometimes seem nearly impossible.
Hugs to you,

At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can relate so well to this post Tara. I feel that way too sometimes and I don't think you need to feel guilt for it whatsoever. Our field is hard. We see and listen to a lot of pain and creating that boundary so we don't take it home with us is so important. And once in awhile when you really don't want to go in, honestly you shouldn't. We need breaks in our field on a regular basis! I'm thinking of you!
Alexandra (M. Madness- problems with NEw Blogger and I can't log in no matter what I do!)

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Jessie said...

i've been using bloglines for a month or so (it lets you know when blogs have been updated)...and it turns out that it has not been telling me when you update yours! so anyway, i'm sorry that i have been late to read and respond to these past posts. they are raw and filled with so much emotion.

i wish we could hang out together for an ENTIRE weekend of sweatpants, movies, and puppy dogs. wouldn't that be fun! this daydream put a smile on my face. someday we'll both have money to spare and we'll fly back an forth to do this on a regular basis.

in the meantime, i hope that you are doing well. i love you!

At 1:59 AM, Blogger Figurines of glass said...

hi tara. hopped over here from sophie's blog. i'm amazed that there are ppl like u. amazed not because i didn't know they existed, but amazed because now i know how they do. keep up the lovely work. btw, tara is one of my fav. names. it means 'star' in hindi.

At 6:48 AM, Blogger madelyn said...

such a heartfelt gust of a post -
for myself when i experience these
moments the weight usually
at some point encourages me
to take a different step -
and something new emerges and
a new path unfolds...

hugs for you and i hope you have
a beautiful day today-

btw - i love your writing "voice"
it sounds so sweet and warm and

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

After reading your last few posts it's no wonder your heart is heavy. You are an empathetic soul and I wish I could sit with you and let you pour it all out. Much love & hugs

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Amber said...

I'm really happy I found this wise post today. This-- "Awareness does not lessen the heavy heart. It only makes it easier to bear in the moment. " is something I needed to read an dthink about...

Thank you.


At 4:22 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

I love the honesty and rawness of your post. I found you while blog-hopping today.

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls." Matthew 11:28


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