life as i know it

"...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -Sylvia Plath

Thursday, June 29, 2006

the words just aren't coming...

I know I should be writing. I’ve missed another Sunday Scribblings, another Poetry Thursday, and even my own idea of starting One Word Wednesdays has left me empty this week. The thoughts fly in and out of my head, spinning and swirling, getting tangled in one another. But the truth of it all is that I just haven’t felt like writing. And so I am trying to be okay with that. Some days I feel like writing, some days I don’t. Yet even as I try to flow with the instincts and desires living inside me, I find myself feeling guilty. Guilty for not writing more, for not putting more words out into the world. Guilty for fear that all of you will think I have forgotten about you, when in reality, I carry pieces of you all with me each day.

And I wish that I had a better reason for my recent lack of words. A better reason than just not feeling like writing. Perhaps I do…perhaps it is worries of recent health concerns, or the lack of direction I feel now that school is out for 2 months. Perhaps my lack of words is my evasion, my avoidance of admitting my worries, my concerns, my felt lack of direction. Or perhaps it is truly just that I haven’t felt like writing.
Whatever the reason, please know that I have not forgotten you all, my lovely tribe of cyber sisters.

I am leaving soon for the holiday. With excitement at seeing my best friend and then spending a few days with the family, I shall set off soon. Hopefully as I stand on the Georgia coast, I will find the inspiration, the words, so that I may again find my writing flowing as freely as the spinning thoughts that overwhelm my head.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July! Until next week…


At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

please take the time you need to replenish the well, so to speak. rest assured we will all be here when you return...wishing you safe travels...

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Cynthia said...

One of the wonderful things about blogging relationships is that absence doesn't mean the friendship has soured. We're here. We wait, and we understand. Everyone gets struck mute sometimes. I like to think of those times as refueling. Hope your trip is wonderful.

At 4:57 AM, Blogger Susannah Conway said...

we don't feel forgotten, sweet pea, and you are not forgotten either. can't wait to hear you new tales when you get back, rested and revived... love to you baby

At 7:07 AM, Blogger Dana said...

It's okay...I think it is totally normal to go through these times where we just don't feel like writing.

I love you and can't wait to see you, my bashful dwarf!


At 1:19 PM, Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

Ditto to what Cynthia said. Go and refuel, you are always in my heart :) HAPPY 4TH :)


At 8:46 PM, Blogger Jessie said...

Tara Dawn--Your writing triggered me to write too. Thanks. I needed that.

Have a wonderful weekend. Lots of love to you.

At 12:00 AM, Blogger Colorsonmymind said...

Oh I feel guilty too...some for not participating in your one word Wed.....I just had to expect less of myself-each week I would beat myself up for missing Illustration Friday and Inspire me Thursday..I always felt behind....I decided to be ok with that-to lower my expectations-to be ok with contributing things that I felt flow....

Hope you have a good vacation-we are going away too....and hope that the thoughts become clearer in your head....

much love to you

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Frankie said...

Oh sweet Tara, I've been feeling JUST the same way! I've barely been writing at all, and I worry constantly that it's out of fear of facing those things I'll inevitably end up writing about. Your words bring me such comfort. I hope your trip brings whatever it is you're looking for. Have SO much fun my dear!! Happy 4th!! xoxo

At 11:50 AM, Blogger claireylove said...

Oh, I'm hearing you. Yes, these chances to participate can sometimes feel like the greatest gift in the world, and other times they leave me horrified staring into a blank abyss of paper/screen. Sometimes you've got to say, 'I'm not writing and it's okay!'

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's only now that I can see that this is all part of the process. But I am hearing you. It sucks and hurts when you want to write, but it's a jittery desire that fuels nothing and feels like too much bad coffee.

Refill your well, rest a bit, and come back to us when you are ready. :)

At 7:55 PM, Blogger HoBess said...

Sometimes I wish there was a butterfly net for my brain. I know exactly how you feel. So many things fluttering about that I don't want to sit down and try to write. I hope your time on the shoreline was invigorating and peaceful, as peaceful as your time at the pottery wheel (an amazing post!). We'll be here!


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