life as i know it

"...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -Sylvia Plath

Thursday, August 03, 2006

moving on...

My life has hit a transition point. A new chapter is about to begin, the pages still stiff beneath my fingertips, the smell of newness still lingering. I look around me and try to imagine saying goodbye, closing this door, and walking away with my head up and eyes open. Some moments it is easier to imagine than others. Some moments I can picture myself turning this corner with ease and confidence. Other moments…sadness and fear win the battle, and my eyes are too clouded by the tears to see the path lying before me.

The papers were signed yesterday, the date marked on the calendar. The purging of my belongings shall continue. Setting free many of my beloved books out into this world, I only hope that they will find homes with people that will cherish them as much as I have. Downsizing the closet is less emotional, lavender pants and peach gauzy shirts easily given to those in need. A few pieces of furniture I had hoped to sell, one potential buyer to contact. The boxes are already being assembled and packed, cautiously this time. But there is also a determination deep within me.

Fueled by the stabs of childish games, my determination strengthens, my confidence in my decisions rises, and my eyes are no longer quite as clouded. No doubt the clouds will return, but for now the sky is clear. Even with the heaviness of my heart, I am finding the energy to keep my head up and my eyes open. Even though I still feel the pangs of wretched sadness biting into my core, I am alive and I am hopeful. And now, I am off to do some more packing…


At 10:50 AM, Blogger kerry said...

i'm hoping the skies stay clear for you as you work through this move. this is beautifully written, your words really made me feel like i could sense even just a glimpse of the heaviness you are feeling. best wishes.

At 6:22 PM, Blogger BendingPeak said...

I too am moving on with a new chapter of my life. I leave my house in 5 days though you would not know it because I have not started any serious packing. I hope your packing goes swiftly.

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sending you positive energy during this transition you're experiencing.. just remember -- when one door closes, another one opens....

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

Even times of pain and transition your writing is beautiful. I'm happy you are moving forward. It will just take time, good days and bad. Keep posting and stay busy :)

Much love

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Sky said...

I am glad this transition is occurring with the resumption of a busy schedule and new classes. The timing, although hectic, is good, I believe. Your support system being easily accessible to your new surroundings is another plus for those times when sadness grips tightly at your heart.

You are going to be fine. Challenges are what make the world more interesting and certainly make us stronger and richer.

I am glad for the lessons you have learned during this past year+ because they will serve you well as you make new choices and other decisions. Your future is wide open and ready to greet you!

At 2:33 AM, Blogger GoGo said...

Standing at the thresholds of change, anticipating
my eyes blur to see the other side,
but sometimes even seers can't see
beyond the echoe pitched back,
What's beyond this? What's beyond this?

Good luck with the new chapter. :O).

At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tara! My heart goes out to you! I am only getting bits and pieces of what is happening in your life, your loss, your new beginnings. Though, as I take in others comments I am gratful that you are surrounded by people that love and support you. You are in my prayers and I continue to wish for good things for you. Take it easy, we are here for you whenever you get back..

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Jessie said...

I wish I could be there to help you with the packing. I feel your sadness, but also your hope and determination. Why is it that I feel like a door is opening up for you...and a lot of windows too???

I don't know, but I have a feeling that what lies ahead of you is something extraordinary. The feeling is strong.

Lots of love to you,

At 8:41 PM, Blogger liz elayne lamoreux said...

i am catching up and am realizing that some things have been really shifting for you in the last few weeks. so many layers of feelings and fears and hopes. i am thinking about my dear and sending you moments to just sit in the quiet and be gentle with yourself. it sounds like you might be moving closer to a support system for yourself and that is good.
know that you have the answers to it all inside your heart already. i believe this is true.
sending your peace,

At 9:18 PM, Blogger ami said...

I hope the new change of surroundings helps you through this. I'm thinking of you, and I hope the move goes well (or as well as moving can go, anyway)


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